Living Photos

QUICK SEARCH LARGE IMAGES by Carole-Anne Fooks and Geoffrey Higges of Adelaide, Australia

PENGUINS - put the mouse over the space below then over the names on the left

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061 Close up of King Penguins moulting, Macquarie Island
062 King Penguins, Macquarie Is.
063 King Penguin, Macquarie Is.
064 Gentoo Penguin with young,
Macquarie Island
065  Juvenile Gentoo Penguin,
Macquarie Island
066  Yellow-Eyed Penguins,
Enderby Island
067  South African Penguins
068   Adelie Penguin,
Cape Adare
069   Adelie Penguin,
Cape Adare
070 Adelie Penguin nesting
Cape Hallett
071  Emperor Penguin,
Cape Washington
072 Emperor Penguin,
Cape Washington
073   Emperor Penguin chicks,
Cape Washington
074   Royal Penguin,
Macquarie Island
075   Royal Penguin,
Macquarie Island
King Penguins moulting in the rare sunshine on Macquarie Island, Australia; elephant seals on the left.
Macquarie and Enderby Islands are in the Southern Ocean; Capes Hallett, Adare and Washington are in Antarctica

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